Saturday, April 11, 2009

How To Go From 3rd Rate To 2nd Rate

Category: Review
Artist: The Horrors
Album: Primary Colours
Release Date: 5-4-09

I've recently had the opportunity to listen to The Horrors new album, Primary Colors. I will admit they have become a "decent" band, but I don't think they're anything special. Unless you think special is being slightly better than the rest of the shit out there today. If you can get past the ghosts of The Cure, My Bloody Valentine, and Joy Division that creep up all over Primay Colors then you will enjoy it- or you'll realize the melodies aren't always fully formed and are buried beneath all that nice atmosphere. Most of the album is an excersize in style and atmosphere, which the aforementioned bands did better and with stronger songs, but that doesn't make it a bad album.

I want to give this album three stars so badly, but what these boys have done is still enjoyable regardless of pop melodies. Style and sound does amount to something, and they've got both. The songs are better this time around, yes, but they are still not brilliant. The best thing about this album is where the band succeeds they sound great, and when they don't succeed they still sound good. There are moments, like the bass in Mirror's Image, the intro to Scarlet Fields, and the first guitar break in Sea Within A Sea that are beautiful. There are moments like the spoken word break in Who Can Say and the weak Three Decades, but they derail the album. Even if The Horrors are playing cut and paste with the sounds of old, they do it well.

I think the album is far from perfect, but I see a bright future for this band if they continue to improve like this. In an age where no one can write a good hook or sing I'll take The Horrors. If you dig what you hear from it, then go buy it. It probably sounds great when you're driving alone at night.

4.5 Out Of 5

Check It Out
Sea Within A Sea

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